Saturday, January 26, 2008

Colma: The Musical

Colma: the indie musical! That's either two reasons to love it or two reasons to hate it, depending on your taste.

The story itself is straight-up indie belated-coming-of-age tale: angsty post-high-school kids hunt for jobs, struggle with relationships, and try to move out of their parent's place. Who needs suspension of disbelief? This stuff happens every day!

The sense of unreality, therefore, must be enforced with musical numbers. Some of them are flat and uninspired, seemingly supplied out of genre necessity ('Colma Stays', 'Crash the Party'); some poke fun at indie films, Colma included ('Friend Joseph' aka 'Quirky, Quirky, Quirky'); and some are just plain fun ('Goodbye Stupid').

What is there to say? You'll hate it if you hate musicals, you'll hate it if you hate indie coming-of-age films, and you'll either hate it or like it otherwise. Personally, I hated the first half but liked the second half, when the tone seemed to change from whiney to humourous.

* * * R A T I N G * * *

Colma: The Muscial (IMDB)

Wince : [****_]
Flinch : [*____]
Retch : [*____]
Gape : [**___]

Beerequisite : [****_]
Pornability : [*____]
Obscurity : [***__]
Explicability : [***__]

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