Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Death Trance

It only takes a few minutes to realize that Death Trance is brought to you by the same people that did Versus: the metal soundtrack-driven stylized violence gives away the game immediately.

There is some sort of a story about an unbeatable samurai (who seems to lose an awful lot for being unbeatable) stealing a coffin containing the Goddess of Destruction, and an inept priest trying to track him down. Throw in a phallic apocalypse sword, the two-fisted (assuming both of them hold revolvers) son of Steven Seagal, vampiric spider-humans, and a child sidekick slightly less annoying than the kid from Six-String Samurai, and you have ... this movie. And did I mention the two (count 'em!) combat-as-sex scenes?

Decent mindless, over the top fun, with what has to be the best demonstration of gun-fu to hit the screen (and not from Seagal either).

The ending, for some reason, is reminiscent of Meatball Machine.

* * * R A T I N G * * *

Death Trance (IMDB), aka The Movie Put Me To Sleep Three Times

Wince : [****_]
Flinch : [***__]
Retch : [**___]
Gape : [***__]

Beerequisite : [***__]
Pornability : [*____]
Obscurity : [***__]
Explicability : [**___]

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