Monday, December 24, 2007

Sex Machine

The story of a love pentangle (septangle, if you count the guy on a ladder snapping photos and masturbating) between the Sex Machine (Hiroshi), Haruka, her former lover, her ex-boyfriend, and his new girlfriend. All the girls want to bang Hiroshi, all the guys want to bang Haruka.

A 'thinky pinky' with bongos, a whirlpool, a misplaced cucumber, and all the cricket wrestling you'll ever want to see. Sharing more with Sachiko Hanai than the title! According to IMDB, Hiroshi appeared in both.

* * * R A T I N G * * *

Himo no Hiroshi (IMDB) aka The Strange Saga of Hiroshi the Freeloading Sex Machine

Wince : [*____]
Flinch : [***__]
Retch : [*____]
Gape : [***__]

Beerequisite : [***__]
Pornability : [****_]
Obscurity : [****_]
Explicability : [**___]

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