Monday, February 11, 2008

Man From Earth

A caveman who never got around to dying throws a house party, where he proposes his existence as a thought-experiment to his guests. They attempt to use their expertise in anthropology, history, biology, etc to disprove his theory.

Dull, dull, dull. I had high expectations for this film, being generally drawn to minimalist (aka low budget) 'thinky' movies. This one bored the crap out of me: any bit of conflict was painfully contrived, the attempt at a twist ending was laughable, and the thought experiment wore out its welcome after 30 minutes.

The best: using the example of a ballpoint pen to explain why a ten-thousand-year-old man wouldn't have any obsidian axes lying around. The worst: dredging up yet another "Jesus was just an average Joe whose message got hijacked" revelation in a mishandled attempt to shock the audience.

* * * R A T I N G * * *

The Man From Earth (IMDB)

Wince : [****_]
Flinch : [_____]
Retch : [_____]
Gape : [_____]

Beerequisite : [**___]
Pornability : [_____]
Obscurity : [***__]
Explicability : [***__]

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