Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Wayward Cloud

The master of the long take brings us his Ode To The Watermelon: a musical about love, lust, pronography, crabs, drought, and urban alienation.

There is truly no way to do this film justice with simple narrative. If you haven't seen it, run right out and to the following:

1. Buy a watermelon
2. Find a victim
3. Watch The Wayward Cloud

* * * R A T I N G * * *

Tian bian yi duo yun (IMDB)

Wince : [**___]
Flinch : [**___]
Retch : [**___]
Gape : [*****]

Beerequisite : [***__]
Pornability : [*****]
Obscurity : [***__]
Explicability : [*____]

*Best integration of a random corpse (or, at the risk of overusing the phrase, the application of Chekov's Corpse, as you know exactly where it will end up) into the storyline.

* Least quotable. Was there any dialog that didn't consist of grunting?

Best Musical Sequence: The umbrellas or the plungers? The plungers, definitely. Though the umbrella song is far superior.

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